4 Restorative Parent Rituals With Big Impact

“Rituals are the formulas in which harmony is restored.” ~Terry Tempest Williams

I’d love to know, what are the rituals that light you up personally? Do you have a few traditions with your family which bring all your love and awareness front and center? It doesn’t have to involve rolling out a red carpet, I’ve found. Sometimes it’s the simple things that feel sacred and meaningful. ✨

Let’s chat about different kinds of special practices we can weave into our family life. I have a few that I’ve created over the years and literally would feel lost without them! Please share yours too in the comments, if you’re in the mood.

Observing Free Play Ritual

This is a ritual we can start with even our young babies. Have you tried? It’s setting aside time each day for about 15 minutes to offer our undivided attention to what interests our children. (Normally I put my phone away!)

Because when we watch our kids freely play rather than be directly involved or structure it or busy ourselves, it’s sending the message: I have the time and would like to discover you more. That there’s no need to perform or compete or prove to me a single thing. I appreciate and accept you fully. And that play is so healthy so let’s make it important! Even on a road trip we can intentionally make the time.

That’s not to say we can’t set limits during free play. This was taken yesterday but there was a point when one sibling did not want to be hit with any more dirty snowballs, so some guidance was involved on my part.

What free play have you watched this week? Anything surprising or sweet happen? Was there beauty in the simple?

Sacred Morning Rituals

What does your mornings look like these days? Do you look forward to them? We can intentionally set up a flow to our day with simple yet sacred feeling rituals. It’s such a game-changer if mornings are feeling scattered and if there’s no time for you right now. After some time, my own kids know my routine and join me or play next to me so I can feel aligned and excited about the day 🥳

You don’t have to check each one off our list, rather- do what feels good for you and shake it up from time to time! Also, I’d love to hear your rituals as well if you’re up for chatting about it.

I share a few ideas below in the infographic. If I’m short on time, these are the 3 I never miss:
1 - coffee made my own way with cinnamon, maple syrup + oat milk.
2. Step outside barefoot in the grass (snow I hear is refreshing too!) to feel connected to the Earth and a hug from me to me.
3. Lighting a candle feels primal and sacred and literally will light a beeswax candle for just a minute if I’m rushed. I normally close my eyes, give thanks, and make a wish for the day.

Which of these are speaking to you?

I also recommend prepping backpacks, breakfast, and an invitation to play the night before to allow yourself some time in the morning. It’s a life-saver some mornings!

sacred morning rituals

Diaper Changing Rituals

I remember a mom friend once described a diaper change as “a time to connect soul to soul with her baby.” Which at that time made zero sense to me. Diapering mostly felt like a chore and my baby had a thing for crawling away mid-way through. 🥴

Ah, but now I understand better. It’s okay if some concepts take time to properly sink in. Diaper changes are so intimate when we think about it. Magda Gerber calls caregiving times like these, “wants something quality time” because when we slow down, use asking hands and let them be actively part of it, diaper changes begin to feel like a sweet time to connect with our children. More ease and delight naturally comes from this intentional time of togetherness.

First we must shift our perception about it being a chore, don’t you think? I think we can. And sometimes our babies and toddler still make it tricky and *still* escape mid- way through 😅, and that’s all normal too.

How’s diaper changes going over there? Sweet? Hairy? A little of both? Always here to support you with this. (More support below).

4 Rituals That Bring More Ease To Diaper Changes (1).png

Ritual Bath

I’m so curious, are you a bath or a shower person? There is no wrong answer! Someone once taught me to infuse meaning into bathing and it can feel like an act of self-love. Because it is *more* than just scrubbing away the grime. You can see it as invigorating your senses and surrounding yourself with beauty. Living in the present. A gift from you to you as you sprinkle in salts, herbs, petals and suds. Whatever’s clever. 💖

I’d love to know: what’s your favorite bath or shower ritual?

Even if it’s 15 minutes with kids chatting away while you swirl rose petals around. Still, so sweet, ya know? Besides we don’t always need a partner to draw us a special bath. Can’t we do these nice things for ourselves too?

bath ritual

With lots of love and respect for you,

Jesse xo

PS - I also offer 30 and 60 minute Parent Coaching sessions, and a helpful guide about Parenting Rituals. Please choose what will be most supportive to you at this time. If you’d like to learn more about self-care rituals and respectful parenting, let’s be friends on Instagram?